Kymenlaakso region
The region of Kymenlaakso offers many kinds of activities and attractions for everyone – from nature activities to museums and amazing parks. History has also left marks in this region. The nature on the seaside of Kymenlaakso offers great opportunities for outside activities and boating. In the region you can also enjoy island hopping by smaller cruises, parks in the nature and diverse landscapes of Kymenlaakso. Kymijoki is known for its fishes and it’s also southern Finland’s best place for fishing.
Destinations: Kymenlaakso region

Hamina is Finland's oldest garrison town and due to its location on the border region, it has also been of great military importance. The rich history of Hamina can be appreciated by exploring the circular town plan and fortifications. Hamina has many interesting attractions teeming with history all within walking distance from each other.

Kouvola is small city with a compact center, less then 1,5h drive or train ride from Helsinki. The region offers industrial history, beutiful nature along the Kymi river as well one of the most popular national parks in Finland, Repovesi.

Miehikkälä offers a beautiful rural landscape and Finnish military history in a single package. The municipality is crossed by the Salpa Line.

The small town of Pyhtää is rich in nature. Two of its main attractions Kaunissaari Island and Valkmusa National Park are also some of the most popular in the whole East Coast. Being blessed with stunning seascapes, breathtaking archipelago, the mighty Kymijoki River, the unique Lapland-like Valkmusa National Park and a lively vibe that manifests itself in active event scene and out-of-the-box thinking in venue planning, small Pyhtää is shy to no one.

Virolahti has the most authentic natural setting in the Southeastern corner of Finland. The region is animated by its busy border crossing point Vaalimaa and the associated services. Virolahti is an ideal spot for bird watching, due to Arktika - the avian mass migration routes directly above it. The municipality is also crossed by the Salpa Line – a defensive line from the Second World War. Finnish military history can be explored along the Salpapolku hiking trail, which winds its way along the Salpa Line.